This post is part of a series of frequently asked questions patients have about weight loss surgery. If you have a question about bariatric surgery you would like to have answered, please comment below and we will answer it in the next series.
How long after metabolic and bariatric surgery will I have to be out from work?
After surgery, most patients return to work in one or two weeks. You will have low energy for a while after surgery and may need to have some half days, or work every other day for your first week back. Your surgeon will give you clear instructions. Most jobs want you back in the workplace as soon as possible, even if you can’t perform ALL duties right away. Your safety and the safety of others are extremely important – low energy can be dangerous in some jobs.
Many patients are worried about getting hernias at incisions. That is almost never a problem from work or lifting. Hernias are more often the result of infection. You will not feel well if you do too much.