While doing a self-exam at home, I found a lump on one of my breasts. I was advised by my family doctor to schedule a mammogram and seek further medical help. I made an appointment at Woman’s Hospital and my life changed forever. After receiving a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Hearing the diagnosis was so surreal. Initially I didn’t want to believe it, but once the news set in, I became afraid and fearful, not only for myself, but for my daughter and family as well.
The doctors at Woman’s really helped put me at ease. I would bring a notebook full of questions to every appointment and they would sit with me and answer each one. The staff was so compassionate and attentive; I can never thank them enough. Every step of the way, I had someone there to help me, encourage me and remind me that I could get through this.
If I could share anything with other women, it would be that early detection is key and that it is so important to know your body. Because of a self-exam, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, but because of that exam and the team at Woman’s, I was able to beat breast cancer.
For more information about Woman’s breast cancer care, click here. For information about cancer survivorship & support, click here.