Author: Jackie Woods, LCSW, GRACE Program
Right now across the world, COVID-19 is affecting every aspect of our lives. We are all being encouraged to stay home and avoid large crowds, and many places are cancelling events or closing.
While no single treatment is right for everyone who is trying to stop using drugs and/or alcohol, groups are important tools used to help people stay sober (abstinent). In this time of “social distancing” what can people do in place of groups to stay engaged in recovery?
What You Can Do
Check with your treatment facility or support group to see if they are planning to remain in operation, and if they are not, find out what protocols they will have in place to stay connected. Connection is key in recovery, and addiction has been called “a disease of isolation.” Try to use this time to be close with family and friends who are positive influences in your life. If this is not an option, use the phone. Call your mom, your counselor, your sponsor, or someone from your group.
There are also digital ways to engage in recovery, for times when you need to know you’re not alone (which is all the time). The internet is full of apps, blogs, and social media pages about getting and maintaining sobriety.
Follow inspirational/recovery focused pages on social media such as Sober Grind and Sober Moms Tribe. You can also sign up for blogs that will keep you entertained as well as engaged in the sober mindset. Reading stories of other people going through things similar to what you’re going through can be very helpful when you’re feeling alone or like no one else understands your situation. Sober Mom’s Guide and Sober Mommies are great places to start!
There are multiple smartphone apps designed for people who are wanting to quit an addiction. They can help you keep track of sober days, find live groups in your area, and connect with other people in recovery. Some apps send you encouraging messages and alerts, and help you keep track of the money you’ve saved by not using.
Try out the following for free: Sober Grid, I am Sober, Nomo- Sobriety Clock, SoberTool, WEconnect, and Pink Cloud. There is even an app for the Alcoholics Anonymous “Big Book” if you don’t have the real thing. While you’re in the app store, download Woman’s Free Pregnancy App.
You can attend meetings online at Smart Recovery or put in your Zipcode to find live meetings in your area.
For family members of people with addiction
PAL – Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
If you are pregnant and struggling with opioid addiction, call 225-924-8574 to speak to a GRACE Program Care Coordinator to see how we can help. All calls are confidential. Whether you are thinking about treatment, or have been in recovery for years, we can offer you support and guidance when it comes to staying healthy for you and baby.