How have you been involved with Woman’s?
I currently serve as Vice Chair and Auction Chair of BUST Breast Cancer. I also serve on the Sponsorship Committee for Woman’s Victory Open. I have been involved with these events for four years now and was brought on board by a dear friend, Carol Bizette. My husband Lester and I sponsor BUST and WVO, and my family’s company sponsors WVO.
Why is supporting Woman’s important to you?
I fought cancer from 2007 to 2013, first colon cancer then it moved to my intestines and stomach. I wanted to give back in some way to others who are going through or have been through the awful journey of what cancer is, and Woman’s gave me that opportunity. I may not have had breast cancer, but cancer is cancer and I just wanted help in some small way.
What makes Woman’s special?
The staff hands down. These people give 100% every day all day. I am not just talking about the doctors and nurses, but everyone from the cleaning staff, the development office, to the volunteers.
What one word describes Woman’s and why?
Peaceful. You feel at peace when you walk through the doors of Woman’s and you just can feel the positivity.
Why would you encourage others to support Woman’s?
Even if you have not been personally given the cancer diagnosis, you know someone who has – a family member, a friend, a co-worker. It is hard to find anyone today who doesn’t know someone who went through treatment or is going through treatment. Woman’s Hospital is a community treasure that everyone in the community needs to support in some way. If not financially, then just with giving your time. A smiling face and hug go a long way when you are facing treatment.