Why is volunteering with Woman’s important to you?
My wife and I spent 51 days in Woman’s NICU following the birth of our son, Cruz. During that time, we experienced some of the worst days a father and mother could possibly imagine. It was an emotional roller coaster, and unfortunately he lost his struggle. However, in that time we were surrounded by some of the most passionate and talented people we could ever imagine. Whether it was a lifesaving treatment, routine care or just a simple hug, the nurses and doctors at Woman’s made our time there just a little better. Looking back years later, if what Elizeh and I do for Woman’s can help other families going through similar circumstances, then we are happy to give our time.
What makes Woman’s special?
Quite simply it’s the people there. Everyone we have ever met, from the doctors, nurses and the great people on the committee on which we have served truly believe that it’s a special place. The stories we have heard over the years reflect exactly what Elizeh and I have experienced…special people devoted to helping others.
What one word describes Woman’s and why?
Compassion – it takes a special person to do what they do on a daily basis. The compassion we have seen in the stories we have heard clearly defines Woman’s.
Why would you encourage others to support Woman’s?
I think if others could take the time to learn all of the amazing things that our time and money generates, they couldn’t help but get involved. Whether it is the new NICU unit, the Human Donor Milk program, the compassionate care for sexual assault victims, or the Mobile Mammography Coach, our time and money have a real effect on other people’s lives. In the end, that’s why Elizeh and I do it.