A balanced life seems like a laughable, unachievable, goal for moms, doesn’t it? We are busy balancing a thousand things. We answer to roles, such as mom, wife, chauffeur, counselor, friend, sister, aunt, employee, homework consultant, soccer mom, dishwasher, clothes washer, chef, and fixer-of-all problems….just to name a few.
The busyness of life can take us in many different directions, and if we aren’t careful the pulls of the day can lead to exhaustion. There will never be enough time in the day to do everything that is required if we don’t take the time to take care of ourselves. Here are some healthy tips we prescribe on ways to achieve that elusive, balanced life:
- Know your role. When we understand that our role in life is not to be everything to everyone, we then understand that we do not have to fix the world or our kids or our coworkers. We are not in the business of fixing others.
- Rest. In the early years of my work, this was the hardest. I am driven, hard-working, and passionate. The desire to see my children succeed burns within me. Making sure my job at work is done efficiently is also important to me. And there is much work to be done in all those areas. But we must rest, as moms. We must take time to simply sleep, sit on the sofa with nothing to do, and do nothing. It is vital to our effectiveness in relationships.
- Set boundaries. Whatever the boundaries are, stick to them. If you know that between 5pm-7pm, you have a sit-down meal with family at the dinner table, then don’t accept phone calls during that time. If you have decided that one Saturday a month will be used for a date night with your spouse, protect that. When we set boundaries in our lives, it tells those we work with at our jobs, our girlfriends, and our ministries that we value our rest enough to protect it. It is important that you find boundaries that work for you and your family and understand that for your own health, you need to stick to them.
- Serve others. Volunteerism gives your life value, gives others assistance, provides perspective on your own life’s challenges, and gives you a sense of purpose. Thinking outside of ourselves makes life worth living!
- Accountability is healthy. Your life should be structured in such a way that you are accountable to others in your life – your pastor, spouse, a mentor, friends, etc. They see things that we sometimes can’t, when we are knee-deep in midst of life. Make sure your circle has one or two trusted confidantes who aren’t afraid to “call you out”, when you are treading towards a danger zone.
- Stay healthy physically, emotionally, mentally. You cannot give, when you do not receive. Stay focused on your physical health, spiritual health, and emotional health. Get counseling, when needed. Join support groups or social clubs. Participate in church and community activities. Join an exercise class.
Want to get a jumpstart to staying healthy? Join us Friday, February 17, 2017 for our I Heart Single Moms Event at 7 pm in the Healing Place Church Annex building. Wear jogging pants and tennis shoes, because we’ll be having a light fitness class, healthy meal, and then discussing what it means to take care of yourself mind, body, and soul! We will have free fresh produce for all attendees! Free childcare is available for children ages 6 weeks-9th grade. For more information call, 225-341-8055.
For more information, visit www.thelifeofasinglemom.com.
The Life of a Single Mom is a national organization headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana that focuses on seeing no single mom walk alone. The organization serves more than 50,000 single mothers annually from around the United States and more than 2,000 in Greater Baton Rouge through their support group network, outreach event, educational classes, online communities, and more.