Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Pashto, Swahili, Burmese, Hindi, Vietnamese….What do all of these languages have in common? The answer is simple! These are some of the top languages spoken to Woman’s Hospital patients through our interpreter services.
As the U.S.’s limited-English speaking population continues to grow, translation services are becoming more and more critical in healthcare settings. In the last year alone, more than 27,000 phone and video calls in 47 different languages were placed from Woman’s Hospital to interpreter services to help patients better understand their medical care and instructions.
It’s hard to imagine so many diverse languages spoken at Woman’s, but these statistics showcase how diverse our country’s population has become. With a language barrier, explaining even the simplest instructions for care can be difficult. Being a new mom or facing a cancer diagnosis is challenging enough, but imagine not being able to understand what your doctor or nurse is telling you about you or your baby’s care.
This is why Woman’s has invested in Language Line, with phone and video interpretation services for patients who do not speak English or have limited-English proficiency. This service is available 24/7 with 240 language options, and it is provided at no cost to hospital patients. And with the Interpreter on Wheels, a portable system that includes an iPad and speakers for video calling can be easily rolled in and out of patient rooms.
Providing an exceptional patient experience includes taking the necessary steps to meet the needs of patients who speak any language. Woman’s is prepared to meet all of our population’s needs and will continue to serve as a leader in utilizing innovative technology to provide exceptional care and experience.