Single mom- when you read that term, who do you think of? Maybe you think of a sister, an aunt, or your own mom. Perhaps you think of a teen mom or a grandmother who is parenting alone. Single moms are all of the above. They come in a variety of packages and stories. They are our co-workers, family, friends, and community leaders. They are strong women who are often carrying more than they thought they could.
Jennifer Maggio once found herself pregnant and alone, living in the projects on food stamps and welfare. She huddled in her bathroom floor and cried hysterically, convinced that no one could possibly understand how hard life was for her. She gave birth to her child and stumbled through the next few months and years, struggling to learn how to parent well alone, manage money that was stretched far too thin, and not lose her mind all at the same time! And that’s how The Life of a Single Mom was born – from the heart of a former single mom who once needed to be seen.
The Life of a Single Mom (TLSM) is a national nonprofit headquartered in the heart of Baton Rouge, serving not only thousands of single mothers right here in Louisiana, but many thousands throughout the nation. TLSM exists to see that no single mom walks alone. The organization provides more than 1,500 support groups in churches and community centers that are available to any single mom, free of charge. The organization focuses on all single mothers being empowered in financial management, parenting techniques, and overall health & wellness issues. Additional services include support through interactive chats online each week, articles, videos, podcasts, books & resource materials, and events throughout the year, such as exercise classes, movie nights, fresh produce distribution, home improvement projects, and more.
While the organization does not provide direct financial support to single mothers, there are a variety of ways that single moms can connect, grow, and learn. And most importantly, every single mother can know that she does not walk alone.
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