Prep Before the Peel

Prep Before the Peel

We’ll try just about anything to turn back the time on the too many days spent in the sun or rid of faces of reminders of teenage acne. Although the fountain of youth may be fictitious, a chemical peel is the real deal. The words chemical and peel may sound scary at first, but the process literally gives you a fresh face of skin.

Considering a peel? Now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment! With shorter days and longer periods of time spent indoors, the opportunity to damage your skin is drastically reduced. This will allow you to shed the damage that’s been done and say hello a smoother, fresher face.

Prior to your appointment, there’s no need to stop any of your current skincare regiments. In fact, it is best to get most of the dead skin off before your treatment to get the most out of it. Here are some reminders to prepare you to get the most from your chemical peel at Woman’s Spa:

  • Be prepared to start peeling 48 hours after treatment.
  • The first day is the worst day.
  • Every day gets 50% better and by the 7th day, you are finished with the peeling process.
  • During the process, use only Vitamin C products for the best results. Products like Luksus or Image Vitamin C are available for purchase at Woman’s Center for Wellness.
  • After a steamy hot shower, a gentle rub came help speed up the process.
  • No anti-aging products during the peeling process.
  • Always wear sunscreen. Several products are available at Woman’s Center for Wellness that include a moisturizer and varied levels of SPF.
  • Make up is not recommended, but will not hurt your skin.
  • If you are prone to fever blisters, use your application/medicine the day before to help prevent.
  • During the peeling process, do not pull off flaky skin. It needs to slough off on its own.
  • If you do not get the results you were hoping for, try another peel 2 weeks after.

For more information about a chemical peel or to schedule an appointment, call 225-924-8388. Schedule an appointment now and receive 15% off, along with 15% off your purchase of any skincare item the day of your peel!