Women Choose Woman’s: Amy’s Story

Women Choose Woman’s: Amy’s Story

It was lingering abdominal pains that let me know something wasn’t right. I had been to several doctors, each with a different diagnosis, but the pain continued. I finally made an appointment with my physician at Woman’s Hospital and on December 12, 2014 I was told that I had Stage IV Ovarian Cancer. Following my diagnosis, I made it clear that my family was my main concern. That’s why I chose Woman’s; I knew I could get the best care for me and my family right here at home.



The doctors and nurses were so compassionate, so knowledgeable and truly wanted to ensure that my quality of life was the best. The medical team not only cared for me, but extended that same quality of care to my husband and two small girls. My daughters were four and seven at the time, and they always had questions regarding what was happening to mommy. It was incredible to watch the nurses and doctors talk to them and help them understand that they were working to help make me feel better.

When my chemotherapy ended, I was able to get my strength back by entering Woman’s Cancer Rehabilitation Program. The side effects of the treatments were tough; the nausea and fatigue made daily life challenging. But the therapists were dedicated to tailoring my therapy sessions around my energy level, so I could get back to doing what I loved as quickly as possible.

Woman’s Hospital will always be a special place to me. I was born there, my daughters were born there and I have continued to receive the highest quality care throughout my journey with cancer. I am happy to say that I am now in remission and can thank the medical staff for helping me reach this point. I am optimistic about the future and forever thankful for the doctors, the nurses and for choosing Woman’s for my cancer care.

For more information about Woman’s GYN cancer care, click here. For information about cancer survivorship & support, click here.