The term “low back pain” is non-specific and can refer to a lot of things. Physical Therapists are trained to differentially diagnose and effectively treat the specific source of pain. The lowest of all “low back pain” is sacroiliac joint (SIJ) pain, or sacroiliitis.
When your back pain is below the bikini line, your sacroiliac joint may be the source. The sacroiliac joints (one on each side of your sacrum) are very susceptible to injury. This is especially true for women, since these joints loosen under the influence of hormones, with pregnancy, and with breastfeeding. A disruption in the normal position or motion of the sacroiliac joint can cause low back pain, pelvic pain, hip and leg pain, or any combination of these. If your pain is worst near the ‘dimples’ on each side of your sacrum, then you may have SIJ pain, and the physical therapists at Woman’s Center for Wellness can help.
Treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction may include manual therapy to realign the joints, modalities for pain and exercise to help strengthen all the muscles that stabilize the pelvis. Treatment will also include education on how to manage SI joint problems at home, such as proper lifting technique and how to get out of a car or bed. Simple changes such as getting in and out of your car as if you were wearing a mini-skirt can make a huge difference in sacroiliac joint pain. Tightening your abdominals when rising from a chair is another simple change that has a huge impact. These small modifications to your daily routine can help reduce or even eliminate much of the back pain that you may be experiencing.
If you think you may have this condition, talk with one of our physical therapists at 225-924-8450.