Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness

Living in South Louisiana, we must be prepared to expect the unexpected when contending with mother nature during hurricane season. To help our patients and families in the community prepare to weather the storm at home or evacuate we have compiled information, resources, and checklists of necessary items to have on hand if you are an expectant mother, a new or experienced mother, or an oncology patient.

Expectant Mother Hurricane Preparedness

New Mother Hurricane Preparedness

Oncology Patient Hurricane Preparedness

Be Prepared

The American Red Cross is a great resource for information on preparing for a natural disaster and useful items to stock in your hurricane kit. Once you have your supplies together, it is recommended to protect them from the elements in a portable, waterproof container. Non-perishable items can last for several months to years, so it’s important to gather these items before they’re unavailable due to excessive need in the community.

Have a Game Plan

Keep in mind every hurricane is different. In some cases, you may have a day or two to prepare for an evacuation while other situations might call for an immediate evacuation. Planning is vital to making sure that you can evacuate quickly and safely.

  • Decide where you will go whether it’s a hotel/motel, a friend’s or relative’s house a safe distance away or an evacuation shelter.
  • Use Louisiana’s Emergency Evacuation Map to help plan and locate alternative routes.
  • Calculate approximately four times the normal driving time.

Stay Informed

Lastly, it is important to think about how you will get important information to help keep you safe during a hurricane. Identify how local authorities will notify you during a disaster and make sure you have adequate tools to receive that information. Here are a few Louisiana emergency resources to consider: