6 Signs of Pelvic Floor Problems

6 Signs of Pelvic Floor Problems

It’s something that many of us have experienced, but we don’t really talk about: pelvic floor problems. Pelvic floor issues are certainly common, but they’re not a normal part of life that we “just have to deal with.” Have you experienced any of the following signs?

  1. When the joke is on you. That viral video may have been hilarious, but “leaking” when you laugh (or cough…or sneeze…or exercise) is no laughing matter.
  2. Hurrying to the bathroom – and not making it in time. The urgency to urinate is a sign of a pelvic floor issue.
  3. When you gotta go, you gotta go. And you gotta go a lot! You may have an overactive bladder, meaning you feel the urge to go to the bathroom more frequent than normal.
  4. Difficulty emptying your bladder.
  5. Pressure or heaviness in the vaginal area. This could be a sign of pelvic organ prolapse, or the dropping of an organ from its normal place.
  6. Pain in the pelvic area or during sex.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, call us at 225-924-8709 or click here.

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